What We Do?

DhanSarthi, meaning “charioteer towards wealth” in Hindi, is a non-profit initiative founded in 2023 by Vidhi Miglani, a high school student with a vision for positive change. Witnessing the pervasive issue of financial illiteracy among women in her hometown, Vidhi recognized the urgent need to address this challenge. In a community predominantly engaged in rice farming, financial exclusion and limited literacy continue to pose significant barriers to women’s economic empowerment.

DhanSarthi is dedicated to bridging the gap in financial knowledge and access. Our initiative operates on a three-step approach: financial inclusion, literacy, and leadership development. We believe that by equipping women with the tools to understand and navigate the financial landscape, we can catalyse transformative change in their lives and communities. Through our programs, we aim to empower women to take control of their financial futures, fostering independence and resilience.

Meet the Founder and CEO

~~ Vidhi Miglani

Vidhi Miglani serves as the Founder and CEO of DhanSarthi. Currently a high school student in Kaithal, Vidhi possesses a deep passion for sociology and development economics. Recognizing the critical importance of financial literacy, Vidhi embarked on a mission to empower women with the knowledge necessary to take control of their financial futures. Her commitment to addressing the financial disempowerment of women in her community led her to establish DhanSarthi.

Inspired by Susan Chira’s assertion that “Money is power. And women need more of both,” Vidhi’s efforts have evolved into the impactful movement known as DhanSarthi. With a focus on inclusivity and empowerment, Vidhi continues to drive DhanSarthi forward, aspiring to reach and positively impact an ever-expanding audience of women in need.

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